If you choose a monthly, quarterly or annual plan, your payment will be automatically charged to your card on file on the date due. You are responsible for cancelling any subscriptions before the following payment will occur. No refunds will be offered for late cancellations.
The Futur™ Pro Group has helped me learn more about the business of design - something I didn't learn in college. Pro Group members are knowledgeable and generous and basically, just a super supportive group who are happy to help creatives who are just starting out or are well-seasoned professionals. I’ve met creatives from all over the world and recently collaborated on a successful project in Switzerland. The Futur™p Pro Group makes it easy to connect with like-minded creative people around the world.
The Futur™ Pro Group is an amazing community! There's lots of information to learn from no matter where you currently are in your journey. At the same time, there are so many wonderful and caring people to support you. We're a family with many aligning values and I think that is what makes this community of people so great. Since joining I’ve had the opportunity to work with professional esports players and content creators. These are people who I've always wanted to meet and work with, but never thought it would happen so fast!
My biggest win since joining the group has been my ability to consistently create content - primarily on Insta. This has translated into a big following (from 500ish to around 19K). But more importantly it's created a content marketing engine where none existed previously. It's also given me more exposure and I recently sold a $15k strategy session that I can trace back to awareness on social. I'm a writer not a designer and Chris showed us this is the PERFECT platform for writers... and I never would have gone down this path without that exposure and support.
I recently booked a 5-figure client using the sales techniques taught to us by Chris. I'm working on hitting my revenue goal of $100K thanks to the immense motivation of like-minded individuals. I never thought this was possible but in this community we're encouraged to think big. My confidence has also increased tremendously and I'm grateful for a space that allows me to be myself but also push myself to be better. This is one of the best investments I've ever made for my business and personal growth. I can't imagine my life without the Pro Group.
Think of the Pro Group as the course that never ends. With your membership, you get access to the exclusive Circle group, weekly video calls, downloadable content, content library, and endless support, accountability, and guidance from your peers and mentors. You’ll be billed every three months for unlimited access to the group.
We don’t think this will happen, but in the case that it does, you can cancel your membership at any time, finish up your membership with whatever time you have left in your billing cycle, and your next quarterly payment will be cancelled. There’s no obligation to stick around if the group isn’t what you thought it to be.
Pro Group calls happen twice a month and are hosted by Chris, Ben, and Greg on Zoom. All members are welcome to join in and get their questions answered from either mentors or peers. We also do a bit of role-playing and cover new concepts in the calls. In addition, one to two times a week subject-matter experts host Office Hours so you can get insider help on your business.
If you’re serious about change and development for yourself and business, this is the place for you. Our members come from all areas of business and experience levels—agency owners, designers, marketers, developers, musicians—in all corners of the world.