let's talk

If we asked you a few years ago how you would feel getting paid to work with clients who are looking for your expertise, words like “excited,” “over the moon,” and “elated” would no doubt have come up.

It would have been proof that you’re doing exactly what you set out to do - make a living doing work you love.

However, now that you’re at this point in business, you’re not feeling as excited as you thought you would.

And if we’re being really honest here, no matter how much you hide it from the outside world, you don’t feel anywhere near as confident or accomplished as you thought you would at this point either.

Instead, you’re walking around with question after question swirling around in the back of your mind:

“If I raise my pricing, won’t I lose the clients I currently have? I can’t afford that.”
“I think my messaging is attracting all the wrong people but how do I change it?”
“What are they doing that I’m not?”
“I’d love to bring on a team to support me but how? Finding the right people feels impossible at this point.”
“With so many balls in the air at any given time, how do I make sure none drop?”
“I see other people working with my dream clients and don’t understand how they did it. How did they even get on the decision-maker’s radar?”

The truth?

You’re not alone in feeling this way nor are you the only one asking these questions.

The Problem

All companies
get stuck.

And yet, great businesses are built. How do they come out on top?

When you’re building something bigger than yourself, that’s when the growing pains kick in. You feel like you’ve hit a wall—hard. You’re stumped. Every hurdle you’ve crossed before seems like pure luck, and every obstacle in front of you is plastered with stop signs. 

Despite what you may read on the internet, what you’re experiencing is not only common but a clear sign that you’re on the cusp of the next level of your business.

What’s keeping you from that next level?

symptom 1

You can’t find enough of the right clients.

Your website is up, you’re publishing content, and you’re networking at every opportunity. You’ve crossed your T’s and dotted all of your I’s to put yourself out there, but for some reason, it’s just not bringing in enough of the right clients.

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business bootcamp - thefutur
symptom 2

Increased effort is not generating increased revenue.

You’re showing up, you’re doing the work, and giving it everything you’ve got. However, your revenue isn’t growing—or worse, it’s staying in the same place, month over month.

symptom 3

Your pricing doesn’t reflect your level of expertise.

You’ve tried to go for bigger, better projects, but that’s proven to be easier said than done. Other creative entrepreneurs, who provide the same services as you, are charging double, triple, or even quadruple what you’re charging, and landing those projects. Does the thought of attempting the same feel paralyzing?

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business bootcamp - thefutur
symptom 4

Bigger clients feel out of reach.

Dream clients are either worlds apart or just unapproachable. What do you have to do to break into that next tier of clients, work with big-name brands, and separate yourself from your competitors? You know that it’s possible for you, but how can you tell if the first step is even the right step?

symptom 5

Building your team is a constant uphill climb.

Finding and keeping great people has been taxing. Maybe you’ve met candidates who look great on paper but are the complete opposite at work. You know there are team players out there who are talented, have a vested interest in your business, and mesh well with your mission. You just don’t know how to find them.

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I’ve been exactly where you are.

Every roadblock under the sun—you name it—I’ve crossed paths with it. From hitting revenue ceilings to feeling trapped in a dying industry. From struggling to finally hire a great team, to having to let go over half my staff. I’ve been there. I’ve felt stuck, too. But throughout all of these challenges, there’s one thing I’ve learned that can prevent all of it from happening to you. One secret to growing your business with as few bumps as possible. It’s the one thing I credit my success to, and I’m eager to share it with you.

  • 24+ years in business
  • Sold over $80 million in design business
  • Won every award possible, including an Emmy
Chris Do
the solution

Better clients, better business.

Going from where you are now to where you want to be is as simple as building a roster of great clients. But it’s not easy.

Imagine working on the projects you’ve always wanted. Or consistently landing high-ticket clients and not worrying an ounce about revenue each month. Where your confidence may have been lacking before, it’s now sky-high. Dream clients that look like Nike, Snapchat, Google, or even Coca-Cola don’t seem so out of reach. And a portfolio you thought only a global agency could have, is bursting with great work made by you and your team. All of this is possible with better clients, and a bullet-proof process to land them.


Attract your ideal clients.

What you put out into the world comes back to you. Every word on your website, element in your brand’s identity, and piece of work in your portfolio all need to match in order to attract the right clients. When you make it easier for potential clients to find you, you’ll see a steady, consistent influx of quality leads—and get this—you can be choosy.


Don’t let the good ones get away.

There's nothing more painful, more soul-crushing than sending a proposal to your dream client, only to watch the opportunity completely slip away. You want to make sure you can close the deal, so the next time your dream client walks through the door, they become your client.

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Price your projects the right way.

Cashflow is your business’s lifeline. If you’re not pricing your projects accordingly, your business will take a hit. Value-based pricing, as opposed to charging by the hour or per project, is what will make all the difference in growing your business. When you’re profiting from every job, your revenue increases with each passing month, and you can scale smoothly.

chris do

Do great work.

Great clients expect great work. The quality of work you deliver, your ability to meet deadlines, and your communication with the client all impact the relationship from the start of the project all the way to the end. Make sure you and your team have the processes in place to keep all the moving parts aligned and on track.

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Borrow our experience.

Over two decades in the industry, plus tried and true processes, systems, and mindset tips.

You can navigate this roadblock on your own, but our experience is here and available for you. We want you to learn from our mistakes so you don’t lose the same amount of money, or miss any one-in-a-lifetime opportunities. Either path you take won’t be easy. But we’ve posted every red flag, warning sign, and instruction manual throughout this entire program.

This is what makes Business Bootcamp unlike any other entrepreneurial program out there. We’ve actually been there, done that, and have the awards, certificates, and clients to prove it.


What you will learn



Catch yourself every time your internal narrative turns negative, and build an unshakeable confidence.


Positioning & Marketing

Reel in the high-quality leads you want. Position your business as the one clients won’t want to work without.



Speak clearly and confidently with clients and team members to negotiate, delegate, and always be on the same page.



Your client doesn’t always know what they need. You’ll be able to surface their biggest challenges to provide the best possible solution.


Painless Pricing

Finally, know what to charge. Understand what value-based pricing can do for your business, confidence, and the quality of your work.



The days of surrendering in negotiations are gone. With the right negotiation tactics and active listening, you’ll turn every objection into a ‘yes.’


Including six exclusive bonuses


Closing & Onboarding

Establish an airtight closing and onboarding process to help your clients feel comfortable and excited to work with you.



Make hiring a one-and-done, stress-free deal. Find talented people who align with your vision, mission, process, and personality.


Practical Project Management

Project Management is process, & process is king. Welcome to a practical, proven way to manage profitable projects & create great experiences for your clients.


Legal Kit

Free your mind from worrying about the what-ifs and focus on the important stuff with these industry-standard legal agreements.


The Perfect Proposal

Everything you need to craft winning proposals: backed by decades of experience and millions of dollars in closed business.


Positioning & Lead Gen with Ben Burns & Matthew Encina

Build awareness for your services, market to a global audience, and command a price premium through strategic positioning and lead generation.


Trusted by 330+ entrepreneurs

From feeling stuck, to the continuous pursuit of what’s possible.

Our Bootcamp alumni consist of designers, architects, strategists, and creative professionals from around the world.

This course has been a game-changer. Amazing teachers and group of students who I am keen to stay in touch with. For me the positioning, diagnosing and delegation parts have been instrumental in me already making positive changes, applying and seeing results.

Reached an agreement with our first client in our new target industry. Diagnosed and had the value conversation...No pushback whatsoever. It felt really good to put the things we’ve practiced into play. It was validation that we’re doing the right thing, and that this hard work pays off if we keep pushing through.

We landed our first strategy and design project over $10k. I would have never had the confidence to land something like this before. It ended up with us working through a few client objections when they were comparing us with another agency, but I kept all of the Bootcamp stuff in action and it worked so well. My whole mindset is changed and I'm never turning back!

lauren kay
Lauren Kay
Brave Factor

For all these successes to be happening is in a sense a miracle...I’m more confident than ever in my own skills & abilities, which translates into more productive & fun conversations with current & prospective clients, vendor partners…just about everyone! Business Bootcamp has been truly transformative for me. Besides starting my own company 10 years ago, it's the best business decision I've ever made.

greg manko
Greg Manko
Manko Marketing

Positioning has been nailed. Successfully and consistently selling strategy. Successfully and consistently being seen as an expert and not as a commodity. People are starting to take my consultancy seriously.

I was able to identify bad clients and send them away using the techniques from the course. It seems like a tiny win, but I used to take any project that came my way; now I'm able to be a bit more selective.

Thanks a million guys, the transparency in everything that you guys have done to get to where you are has been so valuable! The Q&A sessions have been great and the honesty you bring to each session is so much appreciated. Thank you!

Having just completed this, I highly recommend y’all jump on this. It's easily 20x what I paid for the course –  meaning I charged that much more than I would have for the same projects in the past. All under 10 weeks of starting the course. Stop reading this and sign up.

peter deltondo
Peter Deltondo

Do not buy this program.

Invest in it. The concepts, strategies, and insight you will learn require you to show up and put in the work. It will take more than money to master them.

We can’t guarantee overnight success (but let’s be real—that doesn’t happen for anyone). What we can promise you is that your investment in Business Bootcamp will save you more time, money, and effort in the long run. The material we share in each module took us decades of bumpy roads, skinned elbows, and financial flops to learn. This is what we want you to avoid.

You can’t pay someone to do your pushups for you, but a good trainer will keep you from getting hurt. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, it’s time to commit.

See real results in as little as two months.

Six modules, seven weeks, seven coaching calls with The Futur™ CEO, Chris Do, and COO, Ben Burns. Welcome to Bootcamp!

We recognize that slow and steady often wins the race. But there are times when slow and study are trumped by massive action and accountability. Business Bootcamp was designed to do just that so you see results sooner rather than later. Because sometimes in business, being a hare pays off (without the extended naps).

Even if you tend to work at a tortoise's pace, Business Bootcamp will push you to make the changes your business needs to not just survive but thrive. And after the seven weeks are over you'll still have lifetime access to the coaching materials.

jam-packed modules
Hours of content
chris do
The futur pro group gathering

Oh, and did we forget to mention...

You’re getting a free year in The Futur™ Pro Group!

You read that right! Sign up for Business Bootcamp before October 4, 2023 and you’ll also get one year in The Futur™ Pro Group after you’ve graduated from the program.

That’s 365 additional days of coaching from Chris and his team of subject-matter experts, along with hundreds of hours of archived Pro Group Calls.

Are you ready for Business Bootcamp?

Bootcamp isn’t for anyone. But if your business is checking off these boxes, we want to see you in the program.

  • You’ve been running your business for a few years
  • You’re under $2 million in revenue but above $50,000
  • You have a small team or you've been considering bringing on your first employee and/or have trouble delegating and hiring
  • You’re ready to scale
  • You’re open-minded and willing to do something new (maybe even radically new)
See if I'm ready

Frequently asked questions

This program is not cheap? What gives?

What’s the value of one new client to your business? What’s the value of being able to close at a higher percentage? Imagine for a minute what it would feel like to be more confident talking to clients, to be more respected, and to be paid what you’re worth. What price would you put on that? How much longer do you want to wait? How much longer can you afford to wait?

All this said, if the cost of Business Bootcamp is 10% of your annual income or more and you have less than two months of financial runway, this is not the program for you. This program is for agencies ready to scale that have the time and money to invest.

What’s the difference between Business Bootcamp and the Pro Membership?

We like to think of Business Bootcamp as a meal delivery service, with each item intentionally selected to be used for a specific purpose, along with instructions for how to utilize each of the items for a great dinner. The Pro Membership is more of a buffet, where you are provided with a range of amazing options and you get to choose which ones you want, based on your current needs. Both have their place. If you are looking for a more structured experience that is time-bound for increased accountability, Business Bootcamp is for you.

How is this different than the free content The Futur™ releases?

How much do you value something that’s free? How do you know if what you’re consuming online is what your business really needs to crush the goals you’ve set? How often do you take massive action because of a YouTube video? Because there’s a big difference between binging Chris Do’s content and having him hold you accountable for actually making progress and receiving weekly coaching around your particular needs. And if you think his free content’s good, just you wait until you experience what’s behind the paid wall of Business Bootcamp.

Is this program too basic for my business?

Do you earn more that $2 million a year? Do you close more than 50% of your leads? Do you know how to question to understand, bid correctly, and lead a sales conversation? Do you know how to smoothly overcome objections like, “you’re too expensive,” “you don’t have the experience doing what I need,” or “your team’s too small”?

If you answered no to any of these questions, Business Bootcamp is not too basic for your business.

How does the program work?

Business Bootcamp is a seven-week professional growth program. Each of the six modules are unlocked every week. You'll go through the material on your own, meet up with an accountability partner to review homework, and join a live coaching call with Chris Do and Ben Burns each Thursday at 8AM PDT.

There’s a kickoff orientation call on 9/28/23 at 8:00AM PST with Ben Burns and the coaching calls start on 10/5/23 at 8:00AM and last for seven weeks.

You’ll also be a part of our private Bootcamp community. There, you’ll get to connect with your coaches and peers for advice, guidance, accountability, and much more.

What if I’m unhappy with the results?

We're confident in the growth the Business Bootcamp can help you achieve, that's why we offer a 14-day money back guarantee. If after watching one module you're not convinced it's right for you, just shoot us an email at support@thefutur.com within a 14-day window of purchasing. Let us know the module you watched and why it's not right for you, and we'll process your refund. Your feedback and your success are of the utmost importance to us.

How do I know this program is right for me?

Business Bootcamp is not for everyone. But if you and your team are struggling to land new clients, meet and surpass revenue goals, get organized, or build the business you’ve always wanted, you might be in the right place. If you’re still unsure whether it’s right for you, click here to take a brief quiz and find out.

How much time do I need to commit per week to finish the program?

We aren't going to sugarcoat this. Business Bootcamp is work. Along with the seven live coaching calls and over 12 hours of video content, you'll need to set aside at least 2-3 hours to a week to complete the homework and meet with your accountability partner. Once you dig into the modules, you might also find that your website needs a makeover or your service offerings need some fine-tuning. Think of it as necessary business development work that you'd need to do anyway- only this will lead to better clients in the long run.

Will this program solve my problem?

Business Bootcamp is not a band-aid. It's a program that requires your time, effort, and energy to improve your business. Every business is different, and the challenges you and your team are facing can't be solved with a template. The problems you're facing can be solved when you put in the work.